Monday, September 22, 2008

We had our first fire in the wood stove last night. Winter is coming early here in the North Country. Adam and Jesse built teepees yesterday and spent the cold night outside. They are still out there as I type, so, they must be cozy in their sleeping bags.
Chris is teaching (math and science) fulltime at Champlain Valley Christian School this year and, of course, still pastoring at the newly merged (with Grace Fellowship of Crown Point) Cornerstone Alliance Church in Ticonderoga. Incidentally, Chris became a C & MA Alliance pastor a few months ago. We have been very pleased with our new affiliation. So, back to the school thing-Abbey (junior), Adam (8th), Jesse (7th) and Gracie (5th) are attending CVCS with their Daddy this year. This is a big adjustment for me as I have homeschooled exclusively for all these years (with the exception of Abbey-she attended CVCS last yr.). It is the best thing for them and they are adjusting well. It has really given me the opportunity to focus on 'the littles'. Sam is in the 3rd grade and Liberty is in 1st. Judah (age 4) is doing a few lessons but mostly plays with his little matchbox cars during school. He LOVES his little cars-he can never have enough of them. Today the kids have a dental appt. in Glens Falls, so they are all home with me. I know they enjoyed the extra day of sleeping in as they have to get up everyday by 6:15 am-something they have never had to do before in their lives on a regular basis.
Last month I took Abbey to the Izod Center in NJ (very close to NYC) to try out for American Idol-now that was an experience! Afterwards we went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island-great time! Gracie and Abbey also won their town and county Idol contests and went to the Great NY State Fair in Syracuse where they competed and made it to the semi-finals. There was a nice article in our local paper about Abbey, with a beautiful picture-no, of course I'm not biased!
Well, so much to do, so I'll end this inaugural post.
Love to All!