Friday, January 16, 2009

Tim Hawkins

Listen y'all. if you wanna laugh, go look up some Tim Hawkins videos on youtube. My friend Heather form Texas turned us on to him and we have quoted and laughed ever since!
Do it.....NOW!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm a Weirdo

Isn't it funny...I was telling Chris the other day, during the Christmas season that it was interesting how we people all have our own individual worlds that we operate in. We bring to it all our gifts, talents and not-so-good qualities. We endeavor to make them more meaningful by involving others and sharing what we bring to this life and in turn we partcipate in someone else's world and partake of what means something to them. It's kind of a give and take. This thought usually hits me around Holidays that involve getting together with family and signifigant others. Like the Fourth of July or Labor Day or Thanksgiving when you see a particular house with a lot of cars at it. Those people that live in that house have a world and others are participating in it, some more permanently than others. And its like that at house after house after house. Little, loosely connected worlds with all their own agendas and priorities. Little worlds like my own here at my house. An earthly world that really revolves around me. Literally, around Christ, but I am speaking in human terms, you know. Idk what relevance this has to anyone or if you ever think abstractly or maybe not so abstractly. Another thought I have sometimes is the continual striving in the business world. Sometimes it just gets on my nerves how many businesses there are out there while I'm going down the road. I can't really explain it but I just wanna say go home-haha. At other times, I'm combing my brain for an innovative idea-I'm a weirdo. I think sometimes I just feel like Solomon...'meaningless, meaningless'. Truly, only what's done for Christ will last. Gold, Silver and Precious Stones but so much of what we do in life is wood, hay and stubble.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Write me!

Hey Everybody!
Can you believe it is 2009?!?! I mean is it just me or did Prince just come out with 'we're gonna party like it's 1999'!?!?! What is up with me being 40, having 7 children and being married 20 yrs! Just last week I graduated HighSchool! haha-I KNOW I can get an Amen...
Well, nothing new to tell. It's very cold and Abbey and I are obsessed with Twilight but that's about it-lol.
Love Ya!