Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well, we're halfway through this week and only one 'crisis' this week On Monday, I received a call from the 'dog control' lady in our town (we are quite familiar with each other as we have an interesting neighbor next door, who loves to call anybody who might be able to fine, reprimand, or change something at our house. We have had the state trooper up here many times, the code inspector and the dog control lady several times-always with the same result...the lady must be crazy). Anyway, back to the point, this time the call had nothing to do with our neighbor. The first question I heard on the other end was "Do you have horses?" You can imagine the groan that began to emerge from deep within-because there is only ONE reason why a horseowner gets asked that question on that manner....Soooo, I say yes and she sets about to describe our horses and tell me where they are (I didn't know they were out because I can't see them up on the hill behind our house-we are in the process of figuring out how to get a round pen up-Abbey needs it for training and we need it and a barn for the horses to be closer and within sight of the house and out of the weather this winter.). So, the horses had been picked up by a fellow horse owner after having spent the night in Gunnisons Apple Orchard feasting on MacIntosh's. Come to find out, this is the second time this lady has been there for us in a crisis time. A couple of years ago I had a small wreck (not my fault, except for maybe a tiny) and it was close to her house and she came out to help. Anyway, so she has horses and is a farrier. She gave up her day of appts. to trailer and corral our horses because at that time noone knew who's they were. So, the dog control lady calls us on a last ditch attempt to find out who owns the horses (she saw our horse trailer at the house as she was going to Ticonderoga). I called Chris, not very happy, because I hate the solar powered electric fence he is convinced works but so far has not been effective at keeping them in. Dixie has, walked it down, and jumped it and most recently ran right through it and busted it down! Anyway, a new plan is in order (it's too bad plans cost money which it means it probably won't come to fruition!). Anyway, I suggested to him (haha) to be home by a certain time when the lady was gonna bring them over. He took off the last period, checked the kids out and they came on home. Abbey and I took off to her house and she followed us home. I guess it turned out kinda good because we got to get to know Heather and her friend Ada (both very talented horse people). We hope to learn some stuff from them. Heather and her horse were 7th in the world for reigning last year! Very impressive! I was very impressed with the way she trailered Scout. Dixie goes on easily but Scout kinda has refused to go on without a fight. He tried to fight her but she was too experienced for him-it only took her 5 minutes to get him on and he just walked on himself, didn't have to be forced on. So this was another good thing that came out of it, we found out Scout will go on without having to be picked up and thrown on! I tried to pay her but she wouldn't take anything. I felt soooo bad that she had given up appts. to care for our horses. Anyway, maybe we can do a favor for her sometime. I don't know if I told you that Abbey works at McDonalds. Well, the whole time we were with the Heather and Ada, they didn't recognize that they had ever seen Abbey before. But, Abbey had to work the day we were with them so while they were here, Abbey came out in her uniform and visor with her hair pulled back and they both lit up and said "OOOOOh now I know who you are!!!" We were, like hahahahaha! They commented on how sweet Abbey was at work and how they weren't used to being told "Thank you, come again!" (which is soooo true-come north and take note at how different the people in fast food and other businesses treat you). Anyway, as always Abbey is precious in everything, even working at McDonalds! Most of y'alls children are younger than mine but I hope your teenagers are as sweet and loving and non-rebellious as ours are. The teen years are different and everyone has to make some adjustments but they don't have to turn out like all the people say when they tell you: "You just wait til they are teenagers..." like they are gonna turn into monsters that you can't control. As with so many things, a good relationship with open communication where a child or teen KNOWS they are loved goes a long way at preventing the common things others seem to go through. I'm not bragging, I'm blessed! But, my teenagers love me so much I can't keep them off me (which I don't want to anyway). They love to hug me, sit on my lap, go places with me, talk to me, spend time with me and they don't talk back to me or scream at me! Thank you Lord for blessing me with my children!
Dixie-the escape instigator...

Scout eating sweet feed out of my hand and licking every speck he can!
Mama and Abbey