Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Scout-dini the Escape Artist!

Yesterday I corralled Scout 3 times. 2 times he was in the yard grazing but the 3rd time, he went through the woods and someone down on Aubrey Sanders Road called and said 'your horse is about to poop in the road over here'. So, still in my PJ's (which is nothing abnormal even WELL into the day), I load the littles up in the truck, and drive down the road, put Scout on a lead and lead him out the window of the truck while I drive. Thankfully, at the end of that road (out on the main road) is the Crown Point Discount Grocery. Some friends of ours from Vermont own it and it's only about 1/4 mile from our house. So, I park, walk up to the grocery store door, leading Scout. I open the door and there's Marion checking someone out. She and the customer just kinda look at me and laugh. I tell her the story and how I need to walk him home without driving the truck because he may freak with all the traffic on the main road. Another worker there, a horse person, suggests that Marion follow along behind me with flashers on. So, up the road we go, our little peculiar caravan. But, the drivers behind Marion were so impatient, they started passing her AND me and Scout. Ugh! So, anyway we make it home, I tie Scout up and offer to carry Marion back down to the store but she wanted to walk. I had to be convinced that she really wanted the stroll! She is a great person. She and her husband John are a blessing to our community. As I said, they live in Vermont (their children go to school with our children and John and Marion are very active in the school, John is on the board and Marion, among other things, runs a thrift shop that supports the school with it's proceeds) but their grocery store is in Crown Point, NY. I don't know what I would do without that store! So, thanks Marion! And, guess what, despite all the efforts to fix any way for Scout to break out, he's already out again this morning. This time I just tethered him and he's out in the front yard at this moment grazing-whew, nadm!

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