Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So, I had a yard sale on Saturday that has stretched into today and beyond. I'm gonna just keep it going till I get rid of most of the stuff or it starts to rain, whichever comes first...lol. It is really nice to get rid of "stuff". I have found that one of my main titles has become the "stuff manager". And....we have too much "stuff"! So, I'm getting rid of it. I'm giving a bunch of stuff away-people love the free pile! We have 2 out buildings (besides the shop) that used to be efficiency apartments. We call them 'green' and 'brown'. Since we've been here, they have not so efficiently housed out junk. But, I am proud to say that we have cleaned 'green' out! You can walk in there, and actually SEE the Christmas decorations, which will be easy to get to this year. All of our golf clubs are neatly placed and easily accessible. (Chris has always played golf, but maybe you didn't know I had taken it up and I love it-the kids have also started. Of course, we have a good teacher, but everybody has that beautiful Agee swing-it comes harder for me cuz it's not from my side of the family). Anyway, so 'green' is cleaned out-yayyyy!

You know, I've always been a homecookin' kinda girl. I've carried on my Granny's (she's with the Lord, now) famous buttermilk biscuits, and have even begun perfecting her yummy tomato gravy. I've always made my mashed potatoes from real potatoes-a lot of work! With a yummy result. But lately, I've discovered something that has turned my world upside down! Instant mashed potatoes!!!!!! So, if you have never considered this lowly product, I'm gonna give you a tip that may change your mind. Here's my disclaimer-of course, anything made from scratch is a healthier alternative. That said, many of you reading this blog have big familes or busy schedules so there's a place in your life for something quick and easy. So, here's my recipe. I've gotten so good (I know you are impressed) at this I don't measure so just adjust as you need. Walmart brand instant potatoes are the kind I usually buy. I also buy the Walmart chicken broth. So, for 'instance' open 2 cans of chicken broth (obviously the small cans-like 16 oz. or something) and put in a boiler. Add 2-4 tbsp of butter, and however much milk you want-probably about 2-3 cups. Bring to a boil. Make sure it doesn't boil over because you WILL have a mess. Just as it comes to a boil, turn off the heat and take it off the eye. Then add enough flakes to make it the consistency that you prefer. It is easy to add too many and make them too sticky, so watch out, they come out fast. Stir as you add and you can kinda see how they are thickening. Some of this, maybe, most of this, is elementary to you, but just in case you are like me and had never made them until this year, I give detail. I would not add salt as the chicken broth makes it salty enough. Here's how I enjoy mine after they are made. Maybe I'm a little weird, but even the presentation makes them better. I eat mine off of a luncheon sized plate. Add a spoonful of sour cream and some pepper if you like it, and eat with a fork! So yummy!!!! A very good Mommy snack to savor and enjoy during a stolen, quiet moment! Comment and tell me your instant mashed potato stories.

So, yesterday, Abbey wanted to go across the road to the railroad tracks and take pictures. We had so much fun. A huge freight came right after we got down there, so we had to duck into the woods while it roared by. Here are a few pics from our photo session.

It is so nice to have a daughter who is also my best friend. We laugh so hard when we're together. We understand each other and know what each other is thinking before we even say it. I am so blessed to have her as a daughter and a friend. ILY Abbey~

Oh, a few nights ago, I had to rescue a friend of Abbey's from haircolor emergency. Abbey wanted her's highlighted so I did that, too. They both turned out good. I have been wanting to highlight Sam's hair, I just knew it would look great, so I pulled his through the cap and it looks so good. Adam and Jesse wanted their's done, too, so I gave them highlights, too. Guys are so whiny when they get their hair pulled through the cap! haha-ILY boys!

Well, have a great day. I gotta run go, homeschool, clean, and run my yardsale!




Lisa said...

I use the instant potatoes too....a little doctoring and they are really good!!


The Davis Family said...

OK get this. I always did the real potatoes as well just as you taught me but this past year i also discovered instant and was raving to everyone who flipped up their nose until they tried it. Lisa introduced me to them, Eric would still rather have the real thing but it will be a real special day before i start peeling again.

The Agees said...

haha-we had a fellowship meal at church this past Sunday and i brought my instant+ mashed pots. one of my friend's little boy, Caleb, said "i love these mashed potatoes, can i borrow you for a million days". it was so sweet-he's only like 6 or 7 yrs old. glad you and i are on the same page with 'tashed munaydees' as they are known around here-lol
"a disciple when (she) is fully trained..."haha. sorry Eric but all i have to say is pass the big blue box!