Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thinking today....can you believe we are less than 30 days out from the 2008 presidential election. I really hope the liberal media and polls are wrong when they say Obama is ahead. I was shocked to find out that 2 older ladies at our church are Obama supporters. One said she is supporting Obama because McCain said the war would go on for 100 years. I don't know what he meant but I don't think it was literally that. I'll have to research that. The scary thing is that in order for a Christian to support Obama, you have to ignore his ties to William Ayers and his close association with the shady activity of Acorn...and his position on abortion. Well, people, I hope everyone is vigilant in these unstable days. Please vote!!!! Don't console yourself with the notion that one vote isn't going to make a difference. Everyone only has one vote-and they do count!

Well, I know I have a lot of SAHM's who read my blog so, I want to speak to you today. Today you will do hundreds of seemingly meaningless things-some that you have already done hundreds of times. You have your own way of folding underwear (in fact, if you're like me, it's different for each person, ie. very small underwear are stacked neatly, not even It gets tiresome and old, I know, and some days you wonder what it's all for. Some of you have college degrees and that nagging voice keeps rearing it's head "you could be doing something more....". I think this way, too. But, truth is, there is nothing more important that you could ever undertake to do than to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I know that you already know this, but...humor me. It's good to be reminded and maybe I'm reminding myself. Let's face it, after you've researched the hard issues (ie. immunizations, schooling, etc.) and taken your stand, then it's mainly (hopefully, although some of us have had more challenging situations) daily maintenance and a lot of mundane work. But, believe me, life does change. Once your oldest gets into the teen years, the face of your family will begin to change. Enjoy these easy years while they are are still small and their issues are small. These are some good times...



ps-Here's a cleaning tip. During a busy week, when you can't keep up with all the housework, if you can't do anything else, keep up the 2 things that pile up-laundry and dishes. It takes the same amount of time to vacuum whether you wait 5 days are whether you do it everyday. On the other hand, if you let the laundry pile up, you will be covered up in it and it will take way more time, same with dishes! Happy Housecleaning!

Speaking of is my sweet 16, Abbey!

I love this child soooo much-she is beautiful inside and out!


Anonymous said...

Linda, I enjoy reading about your kids and church, but this comment really bothered me. I am a devout Christian who is a Democrat because I believe that, with the exception of abortion, the Democratic party is the only one really practicing what Jesus taught. I also respect the other party's views and right to them. No offense, but I really don't think that who you vote for is what qualifies you to be a Christian. Isn't that God's place to judge? Also, doesn't the Bible teach us to love one another and not just white Americans?

The Agees said...

Mitzi, first thank you for reading our blog. I am sorry if something I said offended you. I read back over my post and I didn't find any comment that I made that said that Christianity is based on who you vote for. Nor where I judged whether someone was indeed a Christian or not. Maybe you could reread it for what it says and hopefully just take it for face value and not assume I mean something I don't. The ladies in my church are my friends and I wholeheartedly believe they are true Christians. I am struggling to see what I said that may have indicated I didn't think they were true Christians or that their vote was a contingency on their Christianity. What I said was that for a 'Christian' (this would indicate I believed they were Christians-not that it matters because it is God who decides who is His, not me, and I don't make it a point to judge.) I also don't understand why the reproach about 'just white Americans?' My point in the post was about Obama's association with an American terrorist and a shady voting agency. I am sorry if in these musings you assumed that I only loved white Americans. While it wasn't in my post, I can assure you I have never been accused of being a white supremacist, quite the opposite, even. The Bible does teach us to love one another. It also teaches us not to kill. 'With the exception of abortion' is a very big exception. You are defintely entitled to your opinions and I would hope that you would allow me mine, also. Again, please forgive me if you mistook anything I said for a judgement on the condition of someone's soul. I didn't say that and I didn't mean that. These are just my own musings on my own blog.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for that. I also was not trying to offend. I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Please understand that I am continuously ridiculed by radicals that judge my spirituality by the ticket I support. I am the wife of a soldier, and I support our troops but not the war. I am a Respiratory Therapist at a children's hospital, and I resucitate babies that could legally be aborted. I disagree with issues on both sides of the table, but I feel that joining a party and working to change one issue is much easier than joining a party where I want to change everything except one issue. The beauty of this country is that we are free to have these discussions and go on to a peaceful election while remaining friends or acquaintances, but not enemies.

You have a beautiful family, and I will be praying for Gracie. I take care of beautiful little girls like her everyday, and I have to say that it is the most rewarding job ever. I receive my strength and renew my faith by watching the children and families that are undergoing such trying times.

It is almost incomprehensible that families like yours can continuously endure the roller coaster ride which these conditions bring. It is only through trusting and relinquishing all to God that you can bear all things. To God be the glory.

The Agees said...

Well, it's terrible that you have been harassed by radical people. There is a fine line between having conviction and being self-righteous. I think many people do cross the line. It's all about Graciousness and Love. I definitely have my opinions but I endeavor not to criticize others for theirs. Being a Pastor's wife, I have had a crash course in learning to shut my mouth in many different situations and that when someone's mind is made up, coming against them is not the way to 'woo' them, so to speak, to what one believes is right. But, with the candidates being in such critical roles and placing themselves in the public eye, I feel they are fair game for airing what one thinks with regard to their policies, their morality and whatever else would affect us as American people. I think we all want the same thing, so for me personally, it comes down to the morality issue. God Bless you today! Lindy